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网址:www.hbgxwd.com  2022-09-13  作者:admin    阅读:

Aluminum alloy balcony guardrail
铝合金护栏作为最新的护栏材料之一。铝合金以它特有的优点“不生锈”而著称,逐步成为各大建所使用,阳台是小孩子常活动的一个地方,护栏的安全犹为重要。铝合金护栏表面采用粉末喷涂后,它不会锈蚀,不会产生光污染,历久能常新;管家庄电动伸缩门 保定桌椅  保定水处理设备 河北机械加工 北京电动门  保定养老院  保定防水与管之间采用新技术的穿插加焊接工艺,使它更为安全。质量轻,抗冲击(飞机都是全使用铝合金材料);在国外铝合金的护栏已成为了建筑的主推产品,而在中国这个产品的使用量也逐年上升。
Aluminum alloy guardrail is one of the latest guardrail materials. Aluminum alloy is famous for its unique advantage of "non rusting", and has gradually become used by major buildings. The balcony is a place where children often move, and the safety of guardrails is even more important. After powder coating is adopted on the surface of aluminum alloy guardrail, it will not rust and produce light pollution, and it can be renewed for a long time; The new technology of interpenetration and welding between pipes makes it safer. Light weight and impact resistance (all aircraft are made of aluminum alloy); In foreign countries, aluminum alloy guardrails have become the main building products, while in China, the use of this product has also increased year by year.


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